Random Ramblings

Friday, December 23, 2005

Ok...mini-rant....Lately on the news (or so I'm told as I rarely watch it) they have been discussing saying "Happy Holidays" versus "Merry Christmas" because not everyone celebrates Christmas. I agree with them and have done so for many years without prompting. It's just basic courtesty. Not to mention very ethnocentric to assume that everyone is just like you and has the same beliefs. Prehaps my open mindedness comes from the fact that I am not a Christian. Yes, I do 'celebrate' Christmas with my family. I exchange presents and eat dinner with them, but I celebrate Yule on the 21st with my fellow Pagans. So it really grinds me that everyone in my office(note: they are all over the age of 50, so it may be a generational thing) is not only saying "Merry Chistmas" but doing it pointedly and specifically in opposition of this new suggestion. That is just plain ignorant. Thank the gods that the holiday season is almost over with so I won't have to listen to it for another year.

So to you and yours, have a Happy ChristaHannaKwansaYule. Oh...and a Happy New Year!


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