Random Ramblings

Monday, October 16, 2006

Today's blog is brought to you by the letter 'F'.

frus‧tra‧tion [fruh-strey-shuhn]

a feeling of dissatisfaction, often accompanied by anxiety or depression, resulting from unfulfilled needs or unresolved problems.

Steve went to an interview at Schwans today, only to find out that they filled the position last week. Since it was a part time job, he probably wouldn't have taken it anyway, but we didn't know that prior to now. So it's all very, very, frustrating. It's even harder when my cousin was fired two weeks ago and already has had 3 interviews with two call backs for second interviews, and I have to listen to her worry and stress about a new job. I wonder if she's even connected the dots on how insensitive that is. I realize she works in a different field, and she's not doing it to rub it in, but we've been at this for 6 months, and it doesn't help. I know he could get a lower paying crappy job in some other field, but I would rather him be happy and doing something he knows, and making decent money, even if it means only seeing him on weekends. ARGH!


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